Giclee Express Artist Open House December 2023
Featuring a diverse array of mediums and the talents of 12 different artists, our open house promises a unique and inspiring experience for Christmas shoppers and art enthusiasts alike, allset against the backdrop of our beloved Brighton.
Event details:
Private View:
Friday 1st December, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Open to the Public:
Saturday 25th – Sunday 26th November
Saturday 9th – Sunday 10th December, 12:00pm – 6:00pm
Venue: 13 Marlborough Street, Brighton, BN1 3EE
Phil Taylor works exhibited:
- Quad Image (drawing and photography) 2021
The image is intended to evoke a sense or feeling of ‘protection’, probably accentuated by the prevailing C-19 situation of anxiety at the time (2021), fear and the need for ‘self- protection’.
Aesthetically, the stitching and pattern it presents made me think of chain mail and armour. I have interpreted this theme by placing four images together that individually represent or signify ‘protection’ or ‘defence’, and collectively a feeling of unease, anxiety and wariness – a feeling we have all been experiencing of each other in the socially distanced world we have recently inhabited.
Images explained (left to right)
TL ‘The Stone’ – image drawn from childhood memories of a recuring, potent dream (nightmare?) of the threat or danger of an advancing megalithic stone with eyes; probably incited by watching the children’s TV series ‘Children of the Stones’ in the 1970’s.
TR ‘The Tank’ – photograph of a WWI armoured tank vehicle. Physical representation of ‘protection’. The number designation is also synonymous with the prevalent role in our lives of statistics, counting numbers of infections and sadly deaths with C-19.
BL ‘The Body’ – photograph of a piece of orange peel. If the human lungs were laid out they would resemble this shape. Symbolic of the physical threat we are facing – the human lungs are the main route of infection of the virus into the body (breathing and inhaling); the skin of an orange protects the fruit or body within.
BR ‘Fear’ – drawing of a fictional being that represents the existential fear the virus has created; similar to the presentation of the ‘The Scream’ (1893) by the Expressionist Edvard Munch.
2. Alien Landscape (drawing on paper) 2021
Taken from observational drawings of plant forms and reinterpreted and presented as an alien, other worldly, form, inspired by a life-long love of Science Fiction (writing, popular culture, cinema)
3. Striding Figure (drawing on paper) 2021
An imaginary character inspired by a love of the work of the film maker, artist and musician, David Lynch (USA)
4. Hand (drawing on paper) 2021
Inspired by an observational drawing made in a Museum displaying Etruscan artefacts from the 6th Century
5. Plant Form-AZ-USA (drawing on paper) 2021
Drawing made whilst living in Tuscon, Arizona, USA – inspired by the Saguaro cactus that are native to that desert area, and the Native American culture where large cactus plants are referred to as ‘Sentinels of the Desert’